Delivering for the Environment in our Communities: An Audit of Single Outcome Agreements

2nd February 2011

This new audit of Single Outcome Agreements (prepared for LINK by CAG Consultants) captures how sustainable development and the environment are being addressed by each Community Planning Partnership, and determines emerging trends. It finds significant gaps in addressing national priorities such as climate change adaptation, landscape, the historic environment and the sustainable management of water resources, despite evidence that we can achieve more by joining up economic, social and environmental services. Whilst the audit points to good practice by a few Councils which recognise the benefits of strong environmental policies in terms of adding value to health, jobs, and pride in the community, the report demonstrates that many local authorities, along with their Community Planning Partnerships are failing to see sustainable development as a priority.

In their previous report and advocacy, LINK members argue that financial constraint calls, now more than ever, for local authorities to seek solutions which maximise the economic and social benefits of a healthy environment. LINK members will be monitoring trends and seeking to influence development of new or ‘refreshed’ outcomes-based agreements for the national elections this spring and the local elections in 2012.

See also: Print Version of this report | Working for Sustainable Development through Single Outcome Agreements

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