Our Funders

Subscriptions from LINK member organisations are the single biggest source of LINK’s funding.

Subscriptions from Organisational Supporters also help fund core activities.

Grants from NatureScot and the Scottish Government provide core funding to support LINK to act as an intermediary body that co-ordinates, supports and strengthens the voice of the citizen-led environment NGO sector through provision of a forum that shares information, discusses issues affecting the environment and works together to advocate for a sustainable Scotland.

We are grateful to the following charitable trusts for unrestricted funding – the Esmée Fairbairn Foundation, the William Grant Foundation and the Craignish Trust.

LINK Projects

LINK’s Save Scottish Seas project is grateful to the John Ellerman Foundation for support to 2022, and to the Esmée Fairbairn Foundation for support to 2016.  The project is currently supported by grants from the John Ellerman Foundation and the William Grant Foundation. For more information, see our Marine page.  

LINK’s Economics project – A Circular Economy for a Fairer Footprint is grateful to the Friends Provident Foundation which awarded 3 years of funding in 2018, then a further funding award in 2020 which will take the project through to 2022 to support a part time Sustainable Economics Policy Officer. For more details see our Circular Scotland page.

LINK’s Nature for All project is grateful to the National Heritage Lottery Fund for support from 2022 – 2024. For more information see our Nature for All page. 

Environmental Rights Centre for Scotland – LINK is grateful to the Joseph Rowntree Charitable Trust for seed funding for 3 years to establish the establishment of this new organisation.  For more details go to Environmental Rights Centre Scotland

Donations are always very welcome, if you wish to do please use the donate button at the top of our website.

For full details please see the latest annual report and accounts.

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