Nature Partnerships: Opportunities and Challenges – panel discussion

08 Jul 2021


With the two COPs of the climate and biodiversity conventions close on the horizon, the global community has a critical opportunity to turn rhetoric into reality, with tangible actions to address the multiple crises we face. Over a three day series of events, the RSPB in close collaboration with its partners is hosting a series of panels, workshops and in depth discussions to explore the science, policy and practice linking biodiversity and climate change, and how these can help to deliver ambition and action across both CBD COP15 and UNFCCC COP26.

LINK is supporting RSPB Scotland’s panel discussion on the importance of landscape scale projects and the collaboration they require to realise a vision for nature. Join us on July 8, 13:00-14:00 via you-tube here

Additional events in this series:

A high level virtual opening panel discussion , with international biodiversity and climate leaders discussing ambition and leadership for nature and posing challenges to consider over the week: register here

Virtual discussions and knowledge sharing sessions on Leadership and High Ambition, Nature based Solutions in Practice, and Rhetoric into Reality:

Greener pastures: Aligning action on nature and climate: register here

Lessons from the frontline: Nature based solutions in practice across the globe: register here

Nature partnerships: Opportunities and challenges: register here
For more information, please contact

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