Coralie Mills

Coralie is a dendrochronologist and environmental archaeologist working in Scotland since 1988. Her interests lie in ‘biocultural heritage’, at the interface between trees, landscapes, people and the past in Scotland.  Coralie set up her consultancy Dendrochronicle in 2009. Previously she was Executive Director at AOC Archaeology. Two Dendrochronicle Historic Woodland Surveys are used by FCS as best practice guides. Dendrochronological investigations of historic buildings and woodlands are also undertaken.

As a Research Fellow at the University of St Andrews, Coralie recently worked on the SCOT2K native pine dendrochronology project contributing to the understanding of woodland history and climate change in Scotland and NW Europe. Coralie is a committee member of the Native Woodlands Discussion Group, serving as chair from 2012-2015. She has previously served on committees of the Society of Antiquaries of Scotland, the Chartered Institute for Archaeologists (Scottish Group) and the Association for Environmental Archaeology

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