Scottish Environment LINK welcomes the publication of the Fairer Scotland Action Plan and hopes this can be a starting point for engaging the environment movement in the conversation. With the exception of the references to the Good Food Nation strategy, the environment is otherwise absent from the 50 actions proposed.
“A vision of a fair society which omits our environment is quite simply inadequate. The importance of the environment has been recognised in the formulation of the UN Sustainable Development Goals, to which the Scottish Government has signed up. We know that our poorer communities also live in the most environmentally degraded areas of Scotland. And we also know how much the environment can benefit our health and well-being. By not bringing the environment into the discussion about fairness, we are missing important connections”, noted Helen Todd, LINK Chair.
Scottish Environment LINK members believe it is critical that the policy discussions for a Fairer Scotland reflect the three pillars of sustainable development, namely the economic, social and environmental aspects. All three elements need to be addressed to make progress in this critical issue.
“We hope that following the publication of the Fairer Scotland Action Plan, Scottish Government officials and ministers will work more closely together to identify the areas where ambitious environmental legislation can help deliver a fairer society. LINK members are keen to contribute and be part of those discussions”, added Helen.
Scottish Environment LINK was active during the consultation process and will continue to work with the Scottish Government and Members of the Scottish Parliament for a Fairer Scotland.
Download the full press release here.
For more information, please contact:
Daphne Vlastari, LINK Advocacy officer
Tel: 0131 225 4345
Notes to Editors:
- Scottish Environment LINK 2016 Manifesto calling for an Ending of Environmental Poverty Act
- Scottish Environment LINK consultation response to “Creating a Fairer Scotland”
- Scottish Government Fairer Scotland Action Plan
Scottish Environment LINK is the forum for Scotland’s voluntary environment community, with over 35 member bodies representing a broad spectrum of environmental interests with the common goal of contributing to a more environmentally sustainable society.
LINK is a Scottish Charity (SC000296) and a Scottish Company Limited by guarantee (SC250899).
LINK is core funded by Membership Subscriptions and by grants from Scottish Natural Heritage, Scottish Government and Charitable Trusts.
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