Scottish Environment LINK urges parties to put sustainable development at the heart of Holyrood 2016 elections

1st January 1970

4 February 2016 – LINK and its members are urging Scottish political parties to put sustainable development at centre stage in their manifestos for the upcoming Holyrood elections in May. “As a signatory to the UN Sustainable Development Goals, Scotland – now more than ever – needs to start making progress towards achieving them. The elections provide a significant opportunity for our parties to tell voters how they will work towards achieving those goals”, said Helen Todd, LINK Chair.

“Sustainable development has environmental, social and economic components and this breadth is reflected in our manifesto which is built around the Shared Principles for Sustainable Development that Scotland signed up to more than 10 years ago. In six steps we set out the key issue areas that LINK would like to see addressed in party manifestos and election debates, and by the incoming administration. Each step is accompanied by an example of a concrete action that would take us one step closer to a sustainable Scotland”, added Helen.


Click here to see LINK’s Manifesto for the 2016 Holyrood Elections: Six Steps towards a Sustainable Scotland.

Check out an illustrated version of LINK’s Manifesto and its Executive Summary.

 Download the press release here: Scottish Environment LINK urges parties to put sustainable development at the heart of Holyrood 2016 elections 

For enquiries please contact:

Daphne Vlastari, LINK Advocacy Officer on 0131 225 4345 or


Scottish Environment LINK is the forum for Scotland’s environment organisations facilitating and enabling informed debate, information-sharing, discussion and joint action.

Our 36 member organisations have cumulatively over 500,000 individual members, and represent a range of environmental interests with the common goal of contributing to a more environmentally sustainable society.

LINK assists communication between member bodies, government and its agencies and other sectors within civic society. Acting at local, national and international levels, LINK aims to ensure that the environment is fully recognised in the development of policy and legislation affecting Scotland.

LINK is a Scottish Charity (SC000296) and a Scottish Company Limited by guarantee and without a share capital (SC250899).

LINK is core funded by Membership Subscriptions and by grants from Scottish Natural Heritage, Scottish Government and Charitable Trusts.

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