On 10 December 2020, LINK’s Marine Group members and the Environmental Funders Network launched a new film showing the value of Scotland’s marine and coastal habitats and why we need to invest in them for future generations. You can watch the film here.
We all have a part to play. Support our work by:
• Support a member action
• Support the Fight for Scotland’s Nature campaign
• Follow us on Twitter for all the news (the @SaveScotsSeas account)
Scotland needs to commit to ambitious Ocean recovery targets. Governments across the UK have collectively failed to meet 11 of 15 Good Environmental Status (GES) indicators for the health of our seas required by 2020. With intertwined climate and nature crises and the declining health of our marine ecosystems, we urgently need transformative change to set Scotland’s seas on a decade of recovery to 2030.
Members of Scottish Environment LINK’s Save Scottish Seas coalition are calling on the Scottish Government to commit to ambitious ocean recovery targets to return Scotland seas to health, make them as resilient as possible to help in the fight against climate change and enable them to support coastal communities and livelihoods long into the future.
The Ocean Recovery Plan calls for:
Read our Ocean Recovery Plan
Version for printing: Ocean Recovery Plan_Print version
Follow us on social media
Twitter: @SaveScotsSeas
Facebook: @SaveScottishSeas
The post of Marine Policy and Engagement officer is currently funded by the Marine Conservation Society. LINK’s Marine project is grateful to the John Ellerman Foundation, Esmée Fairbairn Foundation and WWF Scotland for their previous funding.
The Save Scottish Seas campaign comprises the following organisations:
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