Nature Champions: White-beaked Dolphin

white beaked dolphin

The UK is at the southern edge of the white-beaked dolphin’s range, and Scotland is very important habitat for them.
Sightings of this elusive species peak in the summer around the northern Minch, outer Hebrides and northern North Sea.

Action Needed

1. Press for cetacean at-sea monitoring to meet the requirements of the Habitats Directive Article 11
2. Press for the inclusion of white-beaked dolphin in the Scottish MPA network
3. Ensure the Scottish Biodiversity Strategy is fully implemented


Climate change is pushing white-beaked dolphins north with warming seas. Rapid increase in coastal developments, shipping and fishing, hunting in the Faroe Islands, and lack of site-based protection are all additional threats.

MSP Nature Champion

Ash Regan

Member for: Edinburgh Eastern

Region: Lothian

Party: Alba Party

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