LINK Thinks

LINK Thinks is a space for members and others to express their views about Scotland’s environment. If you would like to contribute a blog please contact The opinions expressed in this blog are the author's and not necessarily those of the wider LINK membership.


Scotland’s Circular Economy Bill

03 Apr 2024

By Phoebe Cochrane, Scottish Environment LINK’s Sustainable Economics Officer Image: Friends of the Earth Scotland/Iain McLean Moving towards a more circular economy is important and urgent.  Globally, about 90% of biodiversity loss can be attributed to resource extraction and processing and, in Scotland, about 80% of our carbon footprint is from emissions embedded in goods […]


Welcoming the Wildlife Management and Muirburn Bill

25 Mar 2024

Duncan Orr-Ewing is Head of Species and Land Management at RSPB Scotland, and a member of the Scottish Leadership Team of RSPB Scotland. He has been involved in game and upland management policy issues since the early 2000s. He manages the RSPB’s UK Investigations Team which works with the Police and other enforcement agencies to […]


A strong Circular Economy

19 Mar 2024

Moving towards a more circular economy is important and urgent.  Globally, about 90% of biodiversity loss can be attributed to resource extraction and processing and, in Scotland, about 80% of our carbon footprint is from emissions embedded in goods we use and consume. A transition to a more circular economy, where we use products and […]


Getting to grips with recycling

13 Mar 2024

Getting recycling right is an element of a more circular economy . Globally, about 90% of biodiversity loss can be attributed to resource extraction and processing and, in Scotland, about 80% of our carbon footprint is from emissions embedded in goods we use and consume.  A transition to a more circular economy, where we use […]


Farm for Scotland’s Future: talking about farming and crofting

11 Mar 2024

On 6 March, LINK held a Holyrood Parliamentary Reception, bringing people together around the Farm for Scotland’s Future campaign. We started with two short videos from two very different farmers, both working with nature to the benefit of their businesses. First Johnnie Balfour, who farms in Fife, talks about doing more for nature and climate […]


Reduce and Reuse – are Scottish Government proposals up to the job?

04 Mar 2024

A more circular economy is really important. Globally, about 90% of biodiversity loss can be attributed to resource extraction and processing and, in Scotland, about 80% of our carbon footprint is from emissions embedded in goods we use and consume. A transition to a more circular economy, where we use products and materials again and […]


Introducing Countryside Jobs Service

26 Feb 2024

We are delighted to welcome Countryside Jobs Service on board as as LINK supporter. To introduce themselves, here’s a blog from CJS Editor Kerryn Humphreys… CJS – what’s that then? Crazy Jumping Snails? Complete Juniper Solutions? In reality nothing quite so exotic; CJS stands for Countryside Jobs Service, which as a happy reader once memorably […]


Scotland’s marine protected areas need real protection

21 Feb 2024

Scotland’s seas are renowned for their rich biodiversity. From fish to birds, marine mammals to invertebrates, they are home to thousands of fantastic species of plants and animals. They are loved by communities, are a key component of Scotland’s cultural heritage and identity, as well as a vital resource for those who rely on marine […]


Communities in action: LINK’s Congress 2023

12 Dec 2023

Every year LINK’s annual Congress for our members tackles a key and current issue for the network. This year, we invited Community Land Scotland (CLS) and Coastal Communities Network (CCN) along to help us discuss how we, as communities of interest, can work with communities of place, to achieve our shared visions of healthy ecosystems […]

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