LINK Thinks

LINK Thinks is a space for members and others to express their views about Scotland’s environment. If you would like to contribute a blog please contact The opinions expressed in this blog are the author's and not necessarily those of the wider LINK membership.


Wake-up Call

26 Apr 2022

Since the 1970s our global consumption of natural resources has tripled – taking a devastating toll on our planet. Our lifestyles and ever-increasing appetite for raw materials have now destroyed [i]two-thirds of the world’s rainforests, [ii]half the coral reefs, and [iii]87% of all wetlands. A staggering [iv]90 percent of the world’s biodiversity loss has been […]


Nature and farming: where next for both?

21 Apr 2022

Farming has profoundly shaped Scotland: our people, our economy, our traditions, our landscapes and our wildlife. Nature is also a key part of Scotland’s identity. In a 2019 survey for Scottish Environment LINK, 94 percent of the Scottish public saw our natural environment as ‘very important’ or ‘quite important’ to both Scotland’s economy and its […]


Fostering Connection between Parliament and Nature

20 Apr 2022

“To save wildlife and wild places the traction has to come not from the regurgitation of bad-news data but from the poets, prophets, preachers, professors, and presidents who have always dared to inspire.” J. Drew Lanham   Scotland currently ranks 28th from the bottom in the Biodiversity Intactness Index (RSPB & Natural History Museum, 2021). […]


From Rhetoric to Reality revisited: a new report

11 Apr 2022

In 2011, LINK published our first Rhetoric to Reality assessment. In it, we commissioned an independent consultant to assess 8 key areas of environmental policy on how far reality on the ground had matched the rhetoric of policy. Now, ten years on, we’ve commissioned another assessment. A decadal review seems timely: it covers the life […]


Positive by nature: Planning for nature to meet net-zero 

28 Mar 2022

Today, we are facing twin emergencies: climate change and biodiversity loss.   “The climate crisis is inseparable from the nature and biodiversity crisis. Scotland has a duty to show leadership on both.” Rt. Hon. Nicola Sturgeon MSP, Sept 2021   Since COP26 in Glasgow in 2021, we have witnessed a very welcome focus on net-zero and […]


NPF4: can it transform our transport systems?

21 Mar 2022

By Malachy Clarke, Public Affairs Manager for Friends of the Earth Scotland and a member of LINK’s Planning Group. Transport is Scotland’s biggest source of climate emission, accounting for over one-third of all emissions. It will be impossible for the Scottish Government to meet their proposed 75% reduction in emissions by 2030 without taking radical […]


Farming for the future and food security

17 Mar 2022

The events in Ukraine are shocking and the ongoing acts of aggression against Ukraine and its people are truly terrible. The daily news images are clearly tragic. We all stand in solidarity and support for the people of Ukraine.  The impact on global food production is another pressure on our planet, heaped upon the existential […]


Planning Ahead For Paths, Parks, People, and Nature

14 Mar 2022

By Helen Todd, Campaign and Policy Officer for Ramblers Scotland   Imagine there’s a disused railway line running through fields near where you live. It lies parallel to a busy road and connects two villages. It’s used by locals walking their dogs, but it would also make a great off-road route for walkers, cyclists, and […]

Edinburgh green belt near Cammo

Green Belts: Re-invigorating A Planning Tool For The Climate And Biodiversity Emergencies

08 Mar 2022

By Nikki Sinclair, Green Belts Alliance Manager , APRS | The Association for the Protection of Rural Scotland Scotland’s Green Belts A Green Belt is the designated open land around, beside or within an urban area where there is a presumption against most types of development. Green Belts are designated by local authorities in their […]

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