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Farm funding plan must change to meet climate and nature targets, say campaigners

11 Dec 2023

The Scottish Government must take a much more ambitious approach to reforming agriculture policy and funding if it is to meet its own climate and nature targets, campaigners have said. Ministers have indicated that the new system of farm funding will mimic the current decades-old system that sees large landowners disproportionately benefit from government payments. […]

Environment charities welcome Agriculture and Rural Communities Bill and call for radical change to farm funding

03 Oct 2023

Environment charities have welcomed the publication on Friday of Scotland’s Agriculture and Rural Communities Bill, and have called on the Scottish government to introduce a radical new farm funding system to help the industry reduce climate emissions and restore biodiversity.   The charities, who launched the Farm for Scotland’s Future campaign in 2022 alongside farmers’ groups, want […]


New beginnings in Scotland’s upland deer sector

03 Oct 2023

Organisations and individuals across the Highlands have come together to form The Common Ground Forum (CGF).  Initiated by the Association of Deer Management Groups and Scottish Environment LINK with the aim of setting aside long entrenched disagreements over some areas relating to deer management, the Forum includes deer stalkers, foresters, farmers, landowners, community representatives, nature […]


LINK Deer Group Statement on vote for removal of season for male deer

28 Sep 2023

Duncan Orr-Ewing, Convener of Scottish Environment LINK’s Deer Group, said: “We welcome the overwhelming decision by the Scottish Parliament yesterday to approve secondary legislation to remove the season for male deer and to permit the use of night vision equipment to facilitate deer management. This is part of a package of measures recommended by the […]


Landowning charities disappointed by block on deer reform

13 Sep 2023

The LINK Deer Group of environmental NGO landowning organisations today expressed its disappointment at the decision by the Rural Affairs and Islands Committee to block a key part of the Scottish Government’s move towards a modernised system of deer management. Following a debate, the committee was split down the middle, with four MSPs supporting a […]


Environmental charities welcome long-term action plan to reverse nature loss

07 Sep 2023

A coalition of environmental charities has welcomed the publication of a major consultation outlining the next steps in the Scottish Government’s approach to reversing nature loss. The consultation includes elements of the forthcoming Natural Environment Bill such as the introduction of legal targets for nature restoration as well as the details of the first delivery […]


Programme for Government: Environmental commitments welcome but progress on delivery must not be allowed to stall

05 Sep 2023

Responding to the Programme for Government, Dr Deborah Long – Chief Officer at Scottish Environment LINK – said: “We welcome the First Minister’s commitment to display leadership on the climate and nature crises, and will work productively with all parties as we face these enormous challenges. “The Natural Environment Bill and Agriculture Bill are two […]


Legal targets for nature recovery can mark turning point for threatened species

30 Aug 2023

The introduction of legal targets for nature recovery can serve as the turning point for threatened species and habitats, environmental charities have said.   The Scottish Government has committed to introducing statutory nature recovery targets in the upcoming Natural Environment Bill. A consultation is expected imminently.   This would put nature recovery on the same legal basis […]


Exhibition opens to celebrate ten years of MSP nature initiative

28 Aug 2023

A successful environmental initiative which has partnered MSPs with threatened and iconic Scottish species and habitats celebrates its ten-year anniversary this year with an exhibition outside the Scottish Parliament. The Nature Champions initiative was developed by Scottish Environment LINK in 2013 to encourage MSPs to champion Scotland’s threatened species and habitats. Including iconic species like […]

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