Environmental Development: Integrating, Mainstreaming, Raising the Game

20th August 2014

Programme and Booking Form for the LINK Members’ Congress, 27/28 November 2014 at Perth.

Landscape-scale conservation, ecological restoration, re-wilding, green infrastructure, living cities, ecosystem health, futurescapes, living landscapes, wild land, wider countryside measures: for decades, environmentalists understood that the delivery of environmental ‘goods’ requires work at large spatial scales. They have made the case for, and put their backs into, ambitious schemes that extend beyond protected sites and reserves.

This work can take decades to bear fruit. It needs deep, cross-sectoral integration, inter-generational commitment and popular support. There are some wonderful initiatives happening in Scotland, and there is explicit national ambition and vision for improving our environment expressed, for example, in Scotland’s Marine Act and its Biodiversity Strategy.  Yet there remain neither the necessary funding support in public subsidy mechanisms, nor the sustained political will, to challenge ‘business as usual’ development – which is so often incompatible with these visionary aims.

This meeting seeks new thinking and innovative ideas that will open doors to better integration of LINK partners’ environmental vision with society at large and, thence, to the land, the sea and the life it sustains.

Who is it for?
All LINK member bodies – directors, trustees, senior policy staff, experienced operational staff, volunteers, all with an interest in working together and with others to raise the game.

We will warmly welcome people from outside our network with a similar interest in improving the long-term environmental sustainability of Scotland’s seas, uplands, lowlands and urban areas.  Contact Alice Walsh to discuss or reserve a place.

The Crown Estate, a LINK Organisational Supporter, is the principle sponsor of the Members’ Congress 2014.

The-crown-estate-London-Logo-300x300LINK Congress programme booking form 2014


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