Norwegian boundary sediment plain MPA

Map of Norwegian boundary sediment plain MPA (Scottish marine protected area)Located to the east of Scotland in offshore waters, the Norwegian Boundary Sediment Plain MPA lies adjacent to the boundary line with Norwegian waters. A sandy plain in relatively shallow waters, the MPA has been designated as it is important for the ocean quahog. This thick-shelled clam-like animal can live for more than 400 years, making it one of the longest-living creatures on Earth. Like tree rings, the age of ocean quahog can be determined by counting the shell layers that they form each year, which also provide information on how our climate has changed over time. [1]

Management measures for this site were proposed by Scottish Government late last year. Save Scottish Seas campaign members have assessed the Scottish Government’s management proposals for this site as part of its consultation response.

Read our comment on the proposed management measures here:

We fully support the removal of mobile demersal gear throughout the site. We recommend
monitoring the impacts of seine trawling in the southern portion of the site and recommend
considering the potential compliance implications of regulating one type of fishing gear. Additionally,
we recommend reviewing the presence of cold water corals at this site as recent research has
indicated it is highly likely that Lophelia pertusa larvae are present and that this site could be
important for cold water coral connectivity across the MPA network.

Norwegian Boundary Sediment Plain MPA Site Summary Document

Download the Norwegian Boundary Sediment Plain MPA Site Summary Document


Check out the official documents relating to the Norwegian boundary sediment plain MPA on the Joint Nature Conservation Committee website.

[1] Norwegian Boundary Sediment Plain MPA Site Summary Document, JNCC

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